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General Synod
General Synod 2023 - Indianapolis
June 30th - July 4th
Our church, Faith UCC is part of a national protestant denomination called the UCC (United Church of Christ). Every two years thousands of people from our denomination gather for fellowship, worship, education, and the business of our national expression. This year our conference, the Indiana-Kentucky Conference, is hosting the gathering. They need our support.
To learn more about volunteering at General Synod CLICK HERE.
To learn more about General Synod CLICK HERE.
Mark your calendar for Opening Worship on Friday, June 30th at 2:30 p.m. and
Community Worship on Sunday, July 2nd at 2:30 p.m.
Annual Gathering- Indianapolis
June 1st - June 3
Our church, Faith UCC is part of a national protestant denomination called the UCC (United Church of Christ). Every year our conference, the Indiana-Kentucky Conference, has a gathering for the purpose of fellowship, worship, education, and the business of our regional expression. As our church begins to grow stronger so does our call to be in service to our denomination. You can serve simply by attending the Annual Gather or by signing up to volunteer.
To learn more about attending and volunteering at Annual Gathering CLICK HERE.
Why We Are UCC
Our congregation is part of a national denomination, the United Church of Christ. At the heart of the U.C.C. is Jesus' priority for unity. On his last night with his disciples, Jesus taught them that the pressures of the world would cause them to scatter (Jn. 16:32). He then prayed for his disciples that they may all be one. In 1957, when the U.C.C. formed, his disciples had to put aside their differences in order to claim their common mission. A Statement of Faith was written as a testimony, not a test, for what would unite the church. Back on his last night with his disciples Jesus also spoke of the Holy Spirit that would come to teach us all things. Through this Spirit, God is still speaking into our world calling us to unity under the sole leadership of Jesus Christ.