Wherever you are at on your journey, you are welcome here!
Faith United Church of Christ is an lgbtq+ friendly and affirming church that welcomes the gay community with open arms. You are safe, loved and your community is important to us.
We believe that a faithful reading of the scripture within its context does not exclude loving and committed LGBTQ+ relationships. In our opinion the scripture has been mistreated. And this mistreatment of the scripture has led to the mistreatment of people. In the videos below we will dig into the six passages on homosexuality to show you why we think they have been mistreated.
If you DISAGREE with us on this topic or know someone who does, please watch this sermon series. We promise you that we will treat your views with love and respect. And if you continue to disagree with us after the series, we will honor and welcome you still. And if you are reluctant to watch the series on homosexuality you are in luck. These messages are going to be about so much more. The focus on condemning homosexuals with these scriptures has caused the real lessons of these texts to be missed.